How to Lemonbar

In the huge world of ricing, there are plenty of options when it comes to bars and panels, particularly for unix-like systems: polybar, dzen, xfce-panel, tint2, etc. In particular, lemonbar is one of the most minimal ones, since it only requires text to be piped into it in order to display a bar. Thus getting useful information, like CPU usage or the current time, is left at the hands of the user - scripting time!
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Void Linux Journey, Part I: Automounting

I'm not sure how I ended up using an obscure GNU/Linux distro such as Void - after finally managing to install Arch with XFCE, and realizing that all the hard work was only beginning, I deleted and kept using MX Linux for a few months more. Then winter holidays came, and thought it was finally time to stop admiring all those wonderful setups from r/unixporn and make my own! Having already used Void before on a VM and a cheap netbook, I felt it was the right choice for my main OS - something simple to install and use on a dialy basis, with up-to-date packages, and that had a minimalistic design.
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How to dwm

My experience with dwm started as an interest in tiling window managers - had previously tried i3, but never got comfortable with the keybindings. When I found about the whole suckless project, the idea of a simpler WM that offered tiling and was very light made me interested in trying it on an older netbook I had. Since I had no clue on how to patch it, found an interesting fork on github that had some patches I was interested in.
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